Who doesn’t love roasted potatoes with herbs and garlic? One of the easiest, simplest, and oldest recipes on earth becoming a staple in every house.
Roasted potatoes with veggies are a delicious dish to pair with anything.
Potatoes – easy to make and savorly to enjoy. There aren’t people who haven’t tried meals made of potatoes. Either mashed, boiled, baked, or fried, potatoes are one of the most common and famous side dishes to pair with anything. Potatoes, in all its ways, are one of the best garnitures to serve alongside meat or fish. Nothing compares to a flavorful plate of fried or baked potatoes. Seasoned with different herbs, coated in oil with garlic it will make your roasted potatoes crispy and golden on the outside and tender and smooth on the inside.
My husband adores potatoes in all its ways. Sometimes, he has potatoes instead of bread next to the main course. I like potatoes, French fries the best, but I try not to eat too many of them. I have to admit that in a way I am not a No 1 potato fan, but I like to eat them sometimes. The days when we don’t eat meat, I try to make potato garnitures served next to fish, or simple roasted potatoes with veggies. This is an easy and simple recipe to make your family satisfied and happy.
What potatoes are better for roasting?
All potatoes are good at baking. But, there are still varieties of potatoes that bake quicker and have a crispier and sweeter taste. For example Yukon gold or red potatoes have thin skin and more creamy flesh, thus offering you a gold/crispy roasted potato result. When you bake your potatoes, especially with herbs and garlic, the aroma in the kitchen is irresistible. So to quicker this process of baking one should choose the best potatoes that roast rapidly.
Are potatoes healthy?
Potatoes are considered a healthy veggie that is rich in Vitamin C, fibers, potassium but contains starch. It is a good carbohydrate food providing more energy than a cup of pasta. Also, you will feel a long time satiated when eating potatoes. However, this is not a point to only eat potatoes, because there are other veggies that are also healthy and should be introduced in the daily menu.
How do you roast potatoes?
Potatoes have some rules to leave delicious impressions. In a preheated oven at 190°C/375°F roast them. Before baking them, boil some minutes until a little soft, but not too much. They will have a nice and inviting golden/crispy texture that will instantly seduce. Boiling them is optional, but the process will be quicker and more lingering. I have tried both versions boiling and not boiling potatoes, but after boiling them the result is much more delicious and tastier.
Roasted potatoes and veggie ingredients
- 6 medium-size potatoes (per 3 servings)
- 3 medium carrots
- 1 pack frozen green beans
- 1 medium red onion
- 3-5 cloves of garlic
- Seasoning
- Olive oil
Roasted potatoes with veggies recipe
Before roasting potatoes with veggies, I wash them properly from different dirties and to assure that they are clean and can be safely used.
Preheat the oven at 190°C/375°F. Meanwhile, I boil the potatoes to soften them a little.
On a baking pan lay all the veggies and start tossing them in herbs, olive oil, garlic, and salt. Cut the vegetables into similar size chunks to have a nice plate. Add potatoes to vegetables and bake for 20-30 minutes or until golden brown and nicely crispy. This is a classic and simple recipe with a pleasant flavor that everyone loves and enjoys.
What to serve roasted potatoes with?
This versatile and delicious dish is one of the best go-to side dishes. It pairs perfectly with anything. Some suggestions that pair ideal with roasted potatoes:
Recipe tips:
- Yukon gold, red potatoes, or sweet potatoes are one of the suggestions to quickly and softer roast potatoes.
- Frozen green beans can be skipped or used with raw ones. Also, you can add any veggies you like. Potatoes are great in combination with any veggies.
- Boil potatoes before roasting them to assure that you have your potatoes well-done and crispy golden on the outside.
- Serve this meal as it is or next to any meat or fish.
Roasted potatoes with beans and carrots are easy to make and tasty to savor.

Roasted Garlic Potatoes with Veggies
- baking pan
- Saucepan
- 6 potatoes
- 3 carrots
- 1 pack frozen green beans
- 1 red onion
- 4 cloves garlic
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- seasoning
- Wash all the veggies to avoid any dirties.
- Preheat the oven at 190°C/375°F. Meanwhile, I boil the potatoes to soften them a little.
- Cut the vegetables into similar size chunks. On a baking pan lay all the veggies and start tossing them in herbs, olive oil, garlic, and salt.
- Add potatoes to vegetables and bake for 20-30 minutes or until golden brown and nicely crispy.
- Serve immediately.